Hamradio: When I was 12 years old, I got my first shortwave-receiver. I listened very interested to the incoming signals, especially to the ham frequencies. I never forgot those first experiences, licenced in 1980 and got my first call DG6YBI. In 2003 I examined additional in CW and got class A as DF2QZ. I am interested in DXing, contesting, hunting references of islands (IOTA), lighthouses (ARLHS), flora fauna areas (WWFF), castles (WCA) and more in SSB, CW, DigiData (FT8, RTTY, BPSK), DigiVoice (D-Star, C4FM, DMR). I am one of the main operators of the clubstation DK0HN in special events.
Private: I was born in 1952 in Herten, a small town at the northern border of the ruhr-area. This area is big industrial zone in the center of germany, which was well known for its coal mines. At the end of the 80s Herten had been the biggest coalmining town in Europe including 3 coalmines. After school, I apprenticed at a coal mine named „Ewald“ in Herten, before I started the study of electrical engineering. I came back to „Ewald“, where I practiced for at least 30 years in underground mining as a ventilation officer, mainly responsible for electrical measurement, analysis, data storage and mine safety.
I’m married since 1973 with my dear xyl Dorothee. I’m very proud on my two children: My daughter Christina was born in 1974. She is a teacher at a grammar school for germanistics and sports. Our dear granddaughter Lynn and grandson Ben completed her little family. In 1977 my son Michael was born. Meanwhile he is Technical Director Infrastructure Solutions in a network provider company. Tnx Michael and Daniela for giving us two more grandchildren: Lara and Lilly – you’re very welcome!!